About Stroke

A stroke is a medical emergency that happens when the blood flow to the brain is reduced or stopped. It requires immediate medical attention.
In India,
● Stroke is the second most common cause of death.
● 18 lac stroke cases are reported every year
● 1 stroke every 40 seconds
● 1 stroke death every 4 minutes
Risk & Prevention

High blood pressure
Risk -25% to 50%.
Monitor BP within 120/80 mmHg
Alcohol & smoking
90% at stroke risk
Chance of 1 million stroke/ year
Stop drinking and smoking
Physical inactivity & Obesity
Obesity risk - 64%.
Do 30 min exercise 5 days a week.
Risk is 2 times higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics.
Monitor your blood sugar level.
Heart disease
2nd commonest cause.
Take healthy fruits and vegetables, and avoid oily foods.
1 in 6 strokes are linked with depression and stress.
Practice yoga and meditation.
Recognize - F.A.S.T

Has their face fallen on one side? Can they smile?

Can they raise both arms? Does one arm drift downward or appear weaker than the other

Is their speech slurred

If you observe any one of the symptoms it’s time to dial “108”


Golden hour - 1 hour
“Powerful life saving key”
The golden hours of stroke refer to the crucial first few hours after a stroke occurs, during which prompt medical intervention can significantly improve a patient's outcome and reduce long-term disability.
“Time Saved is Brain Saved”
“ Act Fast, Save Lives!”
● Rapid Response for Rapid Recovery
● Time to call ambulance -108
● Locate to nearby hospital

Learn & Share

Positioning of Victim
Left side lying position
Comfortable Dressing
Check for patient comfort of the dress. If it is tight loose it
Check for ABC
● Airway - Look for an obstruction in the mouth or throat. Lift the person’s chin and tilt their
head tightly
● Breathing - Observe the chest wall movement
● Circulation - Check for pulse
Avoid Food and liquid
Avoid any solid and liquid foods at the time of stroke
Observe the patient's symptoms
Observe the victim and give the information to the emergency personnel
Reassure the patient
If the patient is conscious, reassure that everything is safe